Feb 28, 2012 - Nutrition    No Comments

Green Drink a la Nickel Farm

Awoke to 5-6” of nice fluffy white stuff this morning. Shoveled my driveway as well as that of my neighbor across the street before breakfast. Question: why do we PARK in a DRIVEWAY and DRIVE in a PARKWAY? Just thought I’d ask! I also swept the snow off the half load of wood I parked in the back last night.

Didn’t do much actual work today on the project. I am still fatigued from all the heavy lifting I did yesterday. It is hard to accept that I am not the sinewy “tough as leather” twenty year old I used to be but my body is starting to remind me more and more.

I did accomplish one important task today. I prepared three quarts of “Green Drink” in my Vitamix and delivered a pint of it to a health-oriented friend down the street. To a base of apricot nectar, I add water, lettuce, spinach, kale, celery, bean sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, pineapple, blueberries, banana, apple, stevia, Udos oil, vanilla, and maca root powder (all fresh). Normally, I would include protein powder, which is made from rice, but I am currently out of it.


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