Felt much better this morning after about nine hours of sleep. I munched several stalks of celery (very alkaline) last night before retiring and had no problems while sleeping. I believe that a lot of so-called acid reflux disease symptoms are actually the result of our habit of consuming too many acid-forming foods in our daily diet. Worked outside in shirtsleeves today. Feels like spring but I hope we have “winter” first as we really need moisture.
Chopped more wood today trying to keep ahead of my daily use. Hoping to get enough to last until I can re-supply at Becky’s house down south.
Worked some more on my grading plan and had breakfast of 9-grain cooked cereal with chopped up apple and banana. After lunch, I sawed and chopped up a boatload of wood. Be interesting to see how long it lasts. Of course, there’s always furniture that can be burned if I get in a pinch. Guess I will take my neighbor up on his offer of some emergency firewood from his shed before I get that drastic. Actually, most of my furniture looks like it should be set afire.
Mostly read my book today and finished it. Very interesting and instructive. I set up my laser level out in the snow in preparation for some surveying after dark. When I came home from getting a fish sandwich in town, I completed the survey work. It was numbing cold as usual.